We recognize that entering a new building and community can sometimes be a bit intimidating. We hope this information will make your experience more enjoyable and prepare you for joining us on Sunday! We are genuinely happy you are considering St. Paul’s, and are here to help your feel at home among us.

Parking: St. Paul’s has a small parking lot at the north entrance off of Centre St.  On street parking is free on Sundays. Parishioners may use the parking lot to the east since that business is not open on Sunday. The State House parking lot to the west may also be used since the offices are closed Sundays.

There are four entrances to St. Paul’s: one on the north side off of Centre Street, one on the east side (with access to the elevator), and two sets of the main red doors off of Park St.  When you enter the church doors, you will be greeted and given a bulletin for the service.  If you need to know where bathrooms are located, please ask the ushers and they will direct you. 

We have three services during the program year (September - June): Saturday 4:30 pm and Sunday 8:00 am and 10:00 am. The Saturday and 8:00 am Sundays are quiet, contemplative worship experiences. The 10:00 am Sunday service has music led by the choir. All services follow Rite II from the Book of Common Prayer. Both of the Sunday services are live streamed and available on our YouTube channel. During summer we have two worship services: Saturday 4:30 pm and Sunday 9:00 am. We have a relaxed attitude at all services, welcoming to people at every stage of life. Bulletins are provided to guide you through the service.

Communion is offered at all the services to those who desire to receive it.  Feel free to join us at the altar rail to receive communion. You are welcome to receive only the host and may cross your arms across your chest if you do not want to sip from the chalice. Intinction (dipping the bread into the wine) is not permitted to avoid spreading germs. If you’d like to stay in your pew while others go up, that is perfectly ok. Gluten-free wafers are available upon request.

Following the Sunday services, a simple time of coffee and fellowship is available  where we can get to know you and one another better. There is a Vestry Table where the wardens and other vestry members can usually be found, and they welcome your questions, comments, and concerns. Please stop by and say hello!

To those who have no church home we offer an invitation to join our worship, our programs and our fellowship.  We hope that you are moved to join us and our community.  Together, and with the love of Christ, we can make a difference in each other's lives and the lives of our neighbors.